Questions for Sancy Suraj: The Memory Wizard Who Memorized 197 National Flags


Sancy Suraj, the Memory Wizard from Singapore, has made headlines for his incredible memory skills and his ability to set multiple memory-related records. He recently broke the Singapore record for the Fastest Time To Identify All National Flags, memorizing a total of 197 flags and their corresponding countries in just a matter of minutes. As a magazine that specializes in interviewing memory experts and athletes, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Sancy and asking him about his remarkable accomplishments and the techniques he uses to enhance his memory.

How did you begin training your memory to memorize 197 national flags? 

I began training my memory to memorize 197 national flags by first familiarizing myself with the flags and their respective countries. I spent a lot of time studying each flag and its details, such as its colors, symbols, and patterns. I also learned about the history and culture of each country to help me better understand and remember their flags.

After I became comfortable with the flags and their associated countries, I started to implement various memory techniques and strategies to help me retain the information. I used techniques such as the method of loci, which involves associating each flag with a specific location in my mind, and the peg system, which involves creating associations between numbers and visual images.

I also practiced regularly, dedicating a significant amount of time each day to studying and memorizing the flags. I would challenge myself to see how many flags I could memorize in a certain amount of time, gradually increasing the number of flags as I improved.

It was a challenging process, but I remained motivated and persistent, always pushing myself to improve my skills. I found that the more I practiced, the easier it became to remember the flags, and eventually, I was able to memorize all 197 national flags in record time.

Overall, training my memory to memorize 197 national flags required a combination of dedication, practice, and the use of memory techniques. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, and I am proud to have set a new Singapore record for the fastest time to identify all national flags.

What motivated you to become the record holder for memorizing national flags?

What motivated me to become the record holder for memorizing national flags was my passion for memory and my desire to challenge myself. I have always been fascinated by the human brain and its capacity for memory, and I enjoy pushing myself to see what I am capable of. When I learned about the record for the fastest time to identify all national flags, I saw it as a new challenge to take on and an opportunity to test my skills.

Another motivation for me was the sense of accomplishment and recognition that comes with setting a record. I knew that if I could successfully memorize all 197 national flags in record time, it would be a significant achievement and one that would bring attention to my memory skills. Being able to hold a record is also a great way to inspire others and encourage them to challenge themselves.

Finally, I was motivated by the desire to represent my country, Singapore, and showcase my skills to the world. Setting a new record for memorizing national flags was a way for me to put Singapore on the map and show that we have talented individuals with exceptional memory skills.

Overall, a combination of personal passion, the desire for recognition, and national pride motivated me to become the record holder for memorizing national flags. I am grateful for the opportunity to showcase my skills and inspire others to challenge themselves in the pursuit of their own goals.

What techniques do you use to enhance your memory?

I use a variety of techniques to enhance my memory, including the method of loci, the peg system, and visualization. The method of loci, also known as the memory palace technique, involves associating information with specific locations in a familiar environment, such as a house or a route you take regularly. By mentally placing the information in these locations, I am able to recall it more easily later on.

The peg system is another technique I use, which involves creating associations between numbers and visual images. For example, I might associate the number 1 with a pencil, and the number 2 with a swan. When I need to remember a list of items, I can then mentally place each item on the corresponding peg and recall them in order later on.

Visualization is also a powerful tool for memory enhancement. I create vivid mental images of the information I am trying to remember, which helps me to recall it more easily. For example, if I need to remember a person’s name, I might visualize them holding a sign with their name on it, or picture their name written in giant letters above their head.

I also practice mindfulness and meditation, which help to improve my focus and concentration. By training my mind to stay present and focused, I am better able to retain information and recall it later on.

Overall, using a combination of memory techniques, visualization, and mindfulness has helped me to enhance my memory and achieve my goals. It takes practice and dedication to master these techniques, but they can be applied to many different areas of life and can help anyone improve their memory skills.

“Memory is not just a tool for remembering the past, but a powerful resource for shaping the future. By mastering memory techniques and visualization, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals with clarity and focus.”

What was the most challenging aspect of memorizing the flags?

The most challenging aspect of memorizing the flags was the sheer volume of information that needed to be retained in a short amount of time. With 197 flags to memorize, each with its own unique design and colors, it was a daunting task to commit all of them to memory. I had to create a mental system to categorize and organize the flags in a way that would make them easier to recall.

Another challenge was the pressure of performing under timed conditions. Knowing that I had to identify all 197 flags accurately and within a certain time frame added to the pressure and made it more difficult to stay focused. It was important for me to stay calm and focused during the process and not let the pressure get to me.

Additionally, some of the flags were similar in design and color scheme, making it easy to confuse them with other flags. It was important to pay close attention to the details of each flag and develop a clear mental image of it in order to differentiate it from similar flags. This required a lot of concentration and attention to detail.

Finally, the flags were presented in a random order, which made it challenging to recall them in the correct sequence. I had to rely on my memory techniques, such as the method of loci and the peg system, to help me remember the order of the flags and avoid getting them mixed up.

Could you give us an example of how you used your memory to identify flags?

One of the flags I had to identify was the flag of Zambia. To remember this flag, I used a visualization technique that involved creating a mental image of the flag and associating it with something memorable.

First, I looked closely at the flag and noted its key features: a green background, three vertical stripes of red, black, and orange, and an eagle in the middle. I then created a mental image of an eagle perched on a tree in a lush green forest, with the red, black, and orange stripes running down the tree trunk.

By creating a vivid mental image of the flag, I was able to recall it easily when I saw it during the record-breaking attempt. When the flag was presented to me, I immediately visualized the eagle in the green forest with the stripes on the tree trunk, and was able to identify it as the flag of Zambia.

Using visualization techniques like this allowed me to quickly and accurately identify each flag during the attempt. By creating memorable mental images of each flag, I was able to recall them easily even under timed conditions and the pressure of the record-breaking attempt.

In addition to visualization, I also used the method of loci and the peg system to categorize and organize the flags in my memory. By associating each flag with a specific location or peg in my mind, I was able to recall them in the correct order and avoid confusion.

Overall, using memory techniques like visualization, the method of loci, and the peg system allowed me to effectively use my memory to identify the national flags and achieve the record.

“Visualization is the paintbrush of the mind, allowing us to create vibrant mental images that stick in our memory like works of art.”

During our interview, Sancy shared with us his passion for memory improvement and his journey towards becoming a record holder. He explained that he began training his memory at a young age and gradually developed techniques to help him recall vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently.

When asked about the most challenging aspect of memorizing the national flags, Sancy shared his struggle with identifying similar looking flags and distinguishing between them. He also spoke about the techniques he used to overcome this challenge, such as visualizing the flags in his mind and using mnemonic devices to link the flags to their corresponding countries.

Sancy also spoke about the applicability of his memory skills in day-to-day situations, explaining how they have helped him in his personal and professional life. He emphasized the importance of memory improvement as a means to enhance one’s overall cognitive abilities and encouraged others to incorporate memory training into their daily routines.

Do you think your memory skills are applicable to day-to-day situations?

I believe that the memory skills that I have developed and used to achieve the national flag memory record are applicable to day-to-day situations. Memory skills are essential in many aspects of daily life, such as remembering people’s names, phone numbers, addresses, important dates, and to-do lists.

One technique that is particularly useful in daily life is the method of loci, which involves associating items with specific locations. This technique can be used to remember shopping lists, directions, and other information that we need to recall throughout the day. By mentally placing each item on the list in a specific location, we can remember them more easily and avoid forgetting important items.

Visualization is also a technique that can be used to improve memory in daily life. By creating vivid mental images of information we need to remember, we can recall it more easily and quickly. For example, if we need to remember a phone number, we can visualize the digits in a memorable way, such as associating each digit with a visual image.

In addition to these specific techniques, I believe that developing a good memory can also improve overall cognitive abilities, such as attention, focus, and problem-solving. By training our memory, we are essentially training our brain to process information more efficiently and effectively.

Overall, I believe that the memory skills I have developed are not only applicable to specific memory tasks, but can also improve overall cognitive abilities and be used to enhance daily life. With practice and training, anyone can develop their memory skills and reap the benefits in both their personal and professional life.

How has memorizing flags changed your life?

Memorizing 197 national flags has had a profound impact on my life in many ways. Firstly, achieving this record has given me a sense of pride and accomplishment that is hard to describe. It has helped me realize that with focus, hard work, and the right techniques, we can achieve incredible things. This has motivated me to continue pursuing other memory challenges and has given me the confidence to take on new challenges in other areas of my life as well.

Memorizing the flags has also opened up many new opportunities for me. I have been invited to speak at various events, and have been interviewed by numerous media outlets, all of which has allowed me to share my passion for memory techniques and inspire others to develop their own memory skills. This has been a truly fulfilling experience for me, as I feel like I am making a difference in people’s lives by showing them what is possible with the power of memory.

Additionally, memorizing flags has helped me in my personal life as well. It has improved my overall cognitive abilities, such as attention, focus, and problem-solving, and has made it easier for me to remember important information in my daily life. It has also given me a sense of confidence that I can tackle any memory challenge that comes my way, whether it is remembering important dates or memorizing new pieces of information for work or school.

In conclusion, memorizing the national flags has had a profound impact on my life, from giving me a sense of pride and accomplishment, to opening up new opportunities, to improving my cognitive abilities and giving me a sense of confidence. It has been a truly transformative experience, and one that I will always cherish.

What advice do you have for others interested in memory improvement?

For anyone interested in memory improvement, I would recommend starting with the basics. This means learning and practicing fundamental techniques like visualization, association, and mnemonic devices, which can be used to memorize all sorts of information, from numbers and dates to names and faces. These techniques are the foundation of memory improvement and are essential for anyone looking to develop their memory skills.

It’s also important to practice regularly. Like any skill, memory requires practice and repetition to improve. This means setting aside time each day to practice memorizing new information and reviewing previously memorized information. It’s also important to challenge yourself and push your limits, as this is the only way to continue improving and achieving new feats of memory.

Another important aspect of memory improvement is mindset. It’s important to believe in yourself and your ability to improve your memory. This means adopting a growth mindset and viewing memory improvement as a journey rather than a fixed ability. It also means being patient with yourself and not getting discouraged by setbacks or mistakes along the way.

Lastly, I would encourage anyone interested in memory improvement to seek out resources and support from the memory community. There are many online forums, groups, and resources available to help people develop their memory skills, as well as memory competitions and events that provide a supportive and inspiring community of like-minded individuals. By tapping into these resources and surrounding yourself with others who share your passion for memory, you can accelerate your progress and achieve incredible feats of memory.

What other records would you like to set?

As someone who is constantly looking to challenge myself and push my limits, I am always on the lookout for new records to set and new goals to achieve. While I have already achieved several Singaporean memory records, there are still many other memory feats that I would like to accomplish in the future.

One area that I am particularly interested in exploring is memorizing historical dates and events. I believe that being able to recall key dates and events in history would not only be an impressive memory feat, but also a valuable skill that could enhance my understanding of the world and my ability to connect with others. I have already begun practicing memorizing historical dates and events and hope to set a new record in this area soon.

Another area that I am interested in exploring is memorizing poetry and literature. As someone who loves language and literature, I believe that being able to recite long poems or passages from books would be a beautiful and inspiring memory feat. I have already begun practicing memorizing poetry and literature and hope to set a new record in this area as well.

Finally, I am also interested in exploring more creative memory feats, such as memorizing the order of a deck of cards or the names and faces of a large group of people. These types of memory feats require not only excellent memory skills, but also creativity and adaptability, as they often involve unexpected or novel information. I believe that exploring these types of memory feats would not only be challenging and fun, but also would help me continue to push my memory skills to new heights.

Overall, while I am proud of my current memory records, I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to test and improve my memory skills. By continuing to push myself and explore new areas of memory, I hope to continue setting new records and achieving new heights in the future.

How did your family and friends respond to your amazing accomplishment?

My family and friends have been incredibly supportive and proud of my accomplishments in the field of memory. They have been with me throughout my journey and have witnessed firsthand the hard work and dedication that has gone into achieving my records.

When I first set the record for the Fastest Time To Identify All National Flags, my family and friends were ecstatic. They were amazed by my ability to recall so many flags in such a short amount of time and could hardly believe that I had accomplished such a feat. They celebrated with me and shared the news with others, spreading the word of my accomplishment far and wide.

Similarly, when I set the record for reciting the most pi digits, my family and friends were thrilled. They had seen me practicing for hours on end, memorizing strings of numbers, and were impressed by my ability to recall them with ease. They were also incredibly supportive when I attempted and succeeded in breaking two Singaporean memory records in a single day, recognizing the incredible effort and dedication that had gone into achieving such a feat.

Throughout it all, my family and friends have been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. They have encouraged me to continue pursuing my passion for memory and have celebrated my accomplishments every step of the way. I am incredibly grateful for their support and encouragement, and I know that I could not have achieved my records without them by my side.

“The greatest achievements are never accomplished alone. They are the result of the unwavering support and encouragement from family and friends who believe in your dreams as much as you do.”

Overall, our interview with Sancy Suraj shed light on the incredible world of memory improvement and the remarkable accomplishments that can be achieved through dedicated training and hard work. Sancy’s passion for memory and his impressive records serve as an inspiration to anyone interested in pursuing memory improvement, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share his story with our readers.